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Chemical Resistance Table

Basic Chemical Resistance Table

Acetic Acid S
Acetic Anhydride S
Acetone S S U U
Acetylene-Dry S
Air S S
Agricultural Lime S S
Alcohol-Amyl S S S
Alcohol-Butyl S S
Alcohol-Ethyl S S
Alcohol-Isopropyl S S
Alcohol-Methyl S S
Aluminum Chloride U S S S
Aluminum Flouroid, 20% U S S S
Aluminum Nitrate U S S S
Aluminum Potassium Sulfate U S S
Aluminum Sulfate U S
Ammonia, Anhydrous
Ammonia, Solutions S S U
Ammonium Chloride-Dry S S
Ammonium Hydroxide P S S
Ammonium Nitrate S S S
Ammonium Phosphate S S
Mono-basic S
Di-Basic or Tri-Basic S
Ammonium Sulfate S S S
Aniline S U
Arsenic Acid S S
Barium Chloride U S S S
Barium Hydroxide S S U
Barium Sulfide S S
Basic Stag S
Beer S S S
Benzene/Benzol S
Benzine S
Black Liquor (Paper Ind) S S
Bleach (12.5% Chlorine) U S S
Borax S S
Boric Acid P S S S
Brine S S S
Bromic Acid S S
Burnt Lime S S
Butane S S S S
Butadiene S S
Butyl Acetate-Dry S
Butyl Stearate S
Butylene S
Cadmium Cyanide S S
Calcium Acetate S
Calcium Bisulfite S S
Calcium Chloride U S S S
Calcium Hydroxide S S
Calcium Hypochlorite S S
Calcium Nitrate, 40% S S S
Carbolic Acid (Phenol) U
Carbon Dioxide-Dry S S S S
Carbon Disulfide U
Carbon Tetrachloride S U S
Carbonated Beverages S S
Carbonic Acid S S S
Castor Oil S S S
Caustic Potash S S S
Caustic Soda S S
Chlorine-Dry S U S
Chloroform-Dry S S S
Chlorex S
Chromic Acid, 50% U S U
Citric Acid S S S S
Cobalized Super Compound S
Copper Chloride-Dry S S S
Copper Sulfate S S S
Copperized Super Compound S
Corn Oil S S
Cottonseed Oil S S S
Cresylic Acid S
Cyclohexane S U S
Detergents S S S
Developer Solution S
Dextrose S S S
Diesel Fuels S S S S
Diethyl Sebacate S
Disodium Phosphate S S
Dowtherm S
Ethanolamine S
Ether S U S
Ethyl Acetate S S U
Ethyl Chloride-Dry U U
Ethylene S
Ethylene Dichloride-Dry S U
Ethylene Glycol S S S
Fatty Acids S S S
Ferric Chloride P S S
Ferric Hydroxide S S
Ferric Nitrate S S
Ferric Sulfate P S S
Fluoboric Acid S S
Formaldehyde, 405 S S
Formalin S
Formic Acid U S S S
Freon S S
Fruit Juice: Grapefruit S S S
Lemon S S
Pineapple S S
Furfural S U
Gas-Coke Oven S S U
Gasoline-Refined S U U S
Gasoline-Sour S u U
Gelatin S S
Glucose S S S S
Glue S S
Glycerine S S S S
Glycol S S S
Green Liquor (Paper Ind) S S
Hexane S S S
Hydrobromic Acid S
Hydrobromic Acid, 40% S
Hydrobromic Acid, 100% S
Hydrochloric Acid U S S
Hydrogen Chloride S
Gas-dry S S
Hydrogen Gas S S S
Hydrogen Peroxide U S S
Hydrogen Sulfide U S
Hypochlorous Acid, 20% U S
Iodide, Peroxide S
Isobutyl Acetate S
Isopropyl Acid S S
Jet Fuel S U
Kerosene S S
Kraft Liquor (Paper Ind) S S
Lacquers S U
Lactic Acid, 20% S S S S
Lactic Acid, 70% S S
Lard S S S S
Lead: Chloride, Sulphate S S
Lime Slurry S S
Lime Sulphur S
Linoleic Acid S S
Lineseed Oil S S S S
L.P.G. S
Magnesium Carbonate S S S S
Magnesium Chloride P S S S
Magnesium Hydroxide S S S S
Magnesium Nitrate P S S S
Magnesium Sulfate P S S S
Meat and Bone Meal S S
Mercuric Chloride S S S
Mercury S S S
Methane S S
Methanol S S
Methyl Amyl Acetate S
Methylene Chloride S U U
Methyl Benzene S U
Methyul Ethyl Ketone S S
Milk S S S S
Mineral Oil S S S S
Molasses S S S
Muriate of Potash S S
Muriatic Acid U S S
Mustard S S S
Naptha S S S
Nathalene U
Napthenic Acid U
Natural Gas S S S
Nickel Chloride S S S
Nickel Sulfate S S
Nitric Acid U S S
Nitrobenzene S S U
Nitro Lime S
Octane S
Oil-Core S
Oil-Fuel S S
Oil-Hydraulic S S
Oil-Petroleum S
Crude S S S
Refined S S
Oil-Transmission S S
Oil-Vegetable S U
Oleic Acid S U S
Oleum U S U
Oxalic Acid S S S S
Oxygen S U S S
Palmitic Acid S S
Paraffin S S S
Perchlorethylene S U
Phosphoric Acid U S S
Photographic Solutions S S S
Phthalic Anhydride S
Picric Acid-Molten U S U
Aqueous Solution S
Plating Solutions, Chrome S
Potassium Acetate S
Potassium Chloride S S S S
Potassium Cyanide S S S
Potassium Dichromate U S S S
Potassium Fluoride S S S
Potassium Hydroxide, 30% S S S
Potassium Nitrate S S S S
Potassium Sulfate S S S
Propane S S S
Propionic Acid S S
Propylene Glycol S S
Rosin S S
Salt Water S S S S
Shellac S S
Silicone Fluid S S
Silicone Oil S S
Silver Nitrate S S S S
Soap Solutions S S S
Soda Ash S S
Sodium Bicarbonate S S S
Sodium Bisulfate S S
Sodium Borate S S
Perborate S S
Sodium Carbonate S S S S
Sodium Chloride S S S S
Sodium Cyanide, 10% S S S S
Sodium Dichromate, 10% S
Sodium Hydroxide, 40% S S S
Sodium Hypochlorite, 20% U S S
Sodium Metaphosphate S S
Sodium Nitrate S S S S
Sodium Peroxide S S
Sodium Phosphate-
Mono-Basic S
Di-Basic S
Tri-Basic S
Sodium Silicate S S
Sodium Sulfate S S S S
Sodium Sulfide S S
Sodium Thiosulfate S S S
Soybean Oil S S
Stannic Chloride U S S
Stannous Chloride, 15% U S
Stearic Acid S S
Stoddard Solvent S U
Styrene U
Sugar Liquors-Cane S S
Beet S S
Sulfate Liquors S
Sulphite Liquors S S
Sulfuric Acid U S S
Sulfurous Acid U S S
Superphosphate S
Tannic Acid, 10% S S S
Tar-Wood S
Tartaric Acid S S S S
Titanium Tetrachloride-Dry S U
Toluene/Toluol S U S
Tetrachloreothylene S U
Trichloroethylene-Dry S U
Triethanolamine S S S
Trisodium Phosphate S S S
Urea S S S
Urine S S S
Varnish S
Vinegar S S S
Water-Acid Mine S S S
Deionized S S
Demineralized S S
Distilled S S
Fresh S S
Salt S S S
White Liquor (Paper Ind) S S
Wine S S S
Xylene/Xylol S U
Zinc Chloride S S S
Zinc Nitrate, Sulphate S S S S


  • S - Satisfactory
  • P - Poor
  • U - Unsatisfactory
  • Blank - Not tested
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